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Vol 174
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Development and bench testing of sealing of high speed roller cone bits supports

S. Yu. Baigareev
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  • Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
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The construction is designed of the radial compaction with perfected springy characteristic. The compaction allows to use it drilling bit with two and more frictionless bearing. Laboratory tests have shown more low factors of the abrasion of the seal assembly than serial. The compaction can be used in the system of forced lubrication of the drill bit it will allow else more reduce the velocity of the abrasion and provide the working-off of bit under raised frequency of the rotation.

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  1. Пат.2236541 РФ. Е21 В10/24. Уплотнение опоры шарошечного долота (варианты) / Ю.Г.Матвеев, А.Н.Попов, Р.А.Исмаков идр. // Открытия. Изобретения. 2004. No26.
  2. А.с.662838 СССР. МКИ G01 М13/04, Е21 В9/08. Стенд для испытания герметизирующих устройств шаро-шечных долот / Е.А.Митюрев, А.Н.Попов, А.И.Спивак //Открытия. Изобретения. 1979. No18

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