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Vol 174
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Modeling the solution gas drive process in heavy oils

Mehdi Chraïbi1
Stéphane Zaleski2
Fabienne Franco3
About authors
  • 1 — Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (ex LMM)
  • 2 — Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (ex LMM)
  • 3 — Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (ex LMM)
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Primary heavy oil recovery relies on the Solution Gas Drive mechanism, which has been the object of many recent research efforts. Current models are unreliable, and it is likely that they do not represent important physical effects. Here, we introduce a Darcy scale model in which the relative permeability of the gas phase is replaced by a new expression for the gas phase velocity based on the relative strength of viscous, gravity and capillary effects.

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  1. Valavanides M.S., Constantinides G.N., Payatakes A.C. Mechanistic Model of Steady-State Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Based on Ganglion Dynamics, Transport in Porous Media. 1998. Vol.30. P.267-299.
  2. Zaleski S., Franco F., Chraibi M. and Tardy P. Analysis of a macroscopic nucleation model for simulation of the solution gas drive in heavy oils, paper SPE 97798; ITOHOS 05, Calgary, AB, 2005.
  3. Chraibi M., Franco F. and Zaleski S. A new model for the solution gas drive, paper 1225, ECMOR X, Amsterdam, Sept. 4-8 2006.
  4. Bayon Y.M., Cordelier Ph.R. and Nectoux A. A New Methodology To Match Heavy-Oil Long-Core Primary Depletion Experiments; paper SPE 75133; prepared for presentation at the SPE/DOE Thirteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 13-17 April 2002.

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