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Vol 178
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Justification of rational technical parameters of low-toxic diesel engine for underground mining transportation equipment

A. A. Kuleshov1
K. A. Strebkov2
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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In work the analysis of the operational factors influencing toxicity of fulfilled gases of diesel engines is presented. Actions on reduction in toxicity are certain. The difference between concentration СО on the unsteady and established modes which strongly depends on a high-speed mode. The generalized dependences of concentration of toxic components on a high-speed operating mode of domestic transport diesel engines without pressurization and with pressurization are presented. Specific emissions of toxic components of domestic diesel engines from a loading operating mode are presented too. It is drawn a conclusion on necessity of application of devices and the control systems providing reduction of duration of transients.

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  2. Лиханов В.А. Снижение токсичности автотракторных дизелей / В.А.Лиханов, А.М.Сайкин. М.: Колос, 1994. 224 с.
  3. Новиков Л.А. Технические и экономические проблемы создания малотоксичных транспортных дизелей // Жизнь и безопасность. 2000. № 3-4. С.154-177.
  4. Смайлис В.И. Современное состояние и новые проблемы экологии дизелестроения // Двигателестроение. 1991. № 1 С.3-6.

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