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Vol 180
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Influence of processes of hypergenic metamorphization of technogenic massifs on the degree of their environmental danger for the environment

M. V. Parshina
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The author studied different technogenic massifs of various geneses containing sulphide sulphur and the research results have shown that under the influence of natural and man-caused factors mineral waste is subjected to weathering processes and transformation into new crystalchemical phases, which facilitates dispersion of toxic elements and their migration with ground waters. Studies help to establish that acid rock drainage formation and migration of pollutants is determined by physical and chemical metamorphization processes in infiltration waters. Ecological hazards from sulphide-bearing rock massifs are most adequately estimated with application of the acid indexing express-method.

Паршина М.В. Влияние процессов гипергенной метаморфизации техногенных массивов на степень их экологической опасности для окружающей природной среды // Записки Горного института. 2009. Т. 180. С. 33-35.
Parshina M.V. Influence of processes of hypergenic metamorphization of technogenic massifs on the degree of their environmental danger for the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 33-35.
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