Investigation of the influence of surfactants on the processes of electrorefining and hydro-aerosolization of nickel
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- Norilsk Industrial Institute
Impact of the sulphanole surfactant on hydro-aerosol formation processes is studied for nickel salts as applied in electrolytic refining. Inhibition of cathode hydrogen emission and decrease in hydrogen bubble sizes is shown. Surfactant influence on nickel corrosion potential in sulphatechloride nickel-containing electrolyte is revealed.
- Юрьев А.И. Влияние поверхностно-активных веществ на процессы гидроаэрозолеобразования при электроосаждении никеля: Автореф. дис... канд. техн. наук / Саратов. гос. технич. ун-т. Саратов, 2004.
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