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Vol 185
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Mathematical modeling of deformation processes and failure in fractured rock mass

A. G. Olovyanny
About authors
  • Ph.D. Leading research assistant Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The paper presents the developed modeling program of geomechanical processes in fractured rock mass. In modeling one took into account the geometry of the mined-out space varying in the process of mining operations. Deformation and failure of rocks are modeled on directions with due account of varying anisotropy of deformational and strength properties. As a result, modeling enables to determine not only the fields of stresses and deformations, but also the failure zones and degree of strength attenuations and their orientation. An example of modeling of layer failure development of enclosing rock mass during mining of stratified deposit is included.

rocks failure anisotropy plasticity fragility finite elements method
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  1. Оловянный А.Г. Некоторые задачи механики массивов горных пород. СПб, 2003. 234 с.
  2. Оловянный А.Г. Решение геомеханических проблем подземного растворения методами математическо- го моделирования / А.Г.Оловянный, В.П. Чанцев, Л.А.Кубланов // Горный журнал. 2007. № 8. С.99-102.

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