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Vol 185
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Preconditions for application of supports of different types in productive workings of low-thick gently-pitching deposits in tectonically stressed massif (for conditions of the Karnasurt ore mine)

A. V. Lovchikov1
A. V. Matytsyn2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. chief research assistant Mining Institute of the Kola research center of RAS
  • 2 — Lovozersky GOK
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The paper presents the data on the mining-geological conditions for mining and types of stope supports applied at the Karnasurt Mine, the Lovozersky rare-metal deposit. The peculiar feature of mining conditions is the presence of high subhorizontal tectonic stresses in the rock masses, which make the stope roofs more stable, allowing application of non-reinforced types of support.

support of productive workings high tectonic stresses roof stability light-weight supports
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