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Vol 187
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Professional communication: speech aspect

E. U. Barruelo Gonzalez
About authors
  • Ph.D. senior lecturer Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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In the article there is presented the speech aspect of professional communication in daily business and innovation interaction. The priority directions of the work on the components of communicative competence and speech literacy of specialist are determined (planning and the prognostication of speech situations, orienting for the partner, the improvement of communicative and speech culture).

professional speech business communication speech competence argumentation speech influence speech skills rhetoric craft innovation technologies professional terminology neologism
Go to volume 187


  1. Зарецкая Е.Н. Риторика: Теория и практика речевой коммуникации. М., 1998.
  2. Почепцов Г.Г. Коммуникативные технологии двадцатого века. М., 1999.
  3. Bruce E. Gronbeck, Kathleen German. Principles of Speech Communication. Addison-Wesley. NY, 2000.

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