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Vol 187
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Relation to labour in the russian household culture

S. I. Sorokin
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  • Ph.D. associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Civilization basis, typical features and work ethics evolution principles in the Russian household culture have been highlighted. The special attention was given to the issues of cultural traditions formation at different national-economical environments. Distinctive features of Russian State Authority in household activity organization such as social paternalism, personification and authoritarianism have been determined.

household culture entrepreneurial business general participation in labour labour education conciliarism wage and salary income entrepreneurial spirit social paternalism
Сорокин С.И. Отношение к труду в российской хозяйственной культуре // Записки Горного института. 2010. Т. 187. С. 237-241.
Sorokin S.I. Relation to labour in the russian household culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 187. p. 237-241.
Go to volume 187


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