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Vol 187
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Scientific-technical progress and innovation development in sociological science history

V. N. Zavrazhin
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The paper is dedicated to the consideration of interrelation of scientific-technical progress and social progress as one of the most important subjects of sociological science. Some classical and modern macrosociological theories are in the centre of attention, that develop progressive approach in understanding the place and role of scientific-technical progress and innovation development in the life of society. The emphasis is made on the actualization of macrosociological analysis of the problems stated in the paper in the current global economic crisis context. 

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  3. История теоретической социологии / Отв. ред. Ю.Н. Давыдов. М.,1997. Т.2.
  4. История теоретической социологии / Отв.ред. Ю.Н. Давыдов. СПб, 2000. Т.4.
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  6. Травин Д. Европейская модернизация / Д.Травин, О.Маргания. М., 2004. Кн.1.

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