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Vol 187
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Some facts of history of training and employment of mining engineers during 20-30th years of 20th century

V. G. Afanasev
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The article is dedicated to the problem of training mining engineers during the most difficult Soviet period. The problem was solved with foundation of new educational institution as well as reorganization of functional ones primarily Mining Institute. Reformation of universities was justified sometimes not. Disadvantage of reformation was repression to highly qualified specialists of mining. Personnel problem was solved that allowed to increase coal and oil extraction. 

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  1. Государственный архив Российской Федерации Ф.1565. Оп.4. Д.55. Л.56.
  2. State depository of Russian federation. F.1565. Op.4. D.55. L.56.
  3. Российский государственный архив экономики. Ф.2309. Оп.4. Д.27. Л.427.
  4. Russian state depository of economics. F.2309. Op.4. D.27. L.427.
  5. Украинцев В.В. КПСС – организатор революционного преобразования высшей школы. М.,1963. С.142.
  6. Реабилитация. Политические процессы 30-50-х гг. М., 1991. С.227-228.

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