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Vol 187
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Directional drilling in ice caps

N. I. Vasiliev1
P. G. Talalay2
A. N. Dmitriev3
S. V. Yankilevich4
A. A. Prokazov5
V. Ya. Lipenkov6
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. senior research assistant Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 3 — Ph.D. associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 4 — Ph.D. associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 5 — student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 6 — Ph.D. leading research assistant GU «Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute»
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Directional drilling technology can be used in glacier boreholes to obtain additional ice cores and to pass over sticking drills. Experimental sidetracking of 5G-2 hole in the deep borehole at Vostok station, Antarctica, showed the high efficiency of the directional drilling without using of special whip-stocks to deviate the hole.

borehole ice cap directional drilling deviation
Go to volume 187


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  2. Загривный Э.А. Осложнения и методы их устранения при бурении глубокой скважины на станции «Восток» / Э.А.Загривный, Б.С.Моисеев // Записки Ленинградского горного института. 1988. Т.116. С.87-93.
  3. Фисенко В.Ф. Осложнения и аварии при глубоком бурении-протаивании, их ликвидация и предупреждение / В.Ф.Фисенко, Н.Е.Бобин, Г.К.Степанов, Н.И.Слюсарев, Г.Н.Соловьев, В.К.Чистяков // Антарктика: Докл. комиссии. 1974. Вып.13. С.161-166.
  4. Koci B. Replicate coring. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ice Coring & Drilling Service, USA. 2004. 14 p.
  5. Vasiliev N.I., Talalay P.G., Bobin N.E., etc. Deep drilling at Vostok station, Antarctica: History and last events // Annals of Glaciology. 2007. Vol.47. P.10-23.
  6. Zagorodnov V.S., Kelley J.J., Koci B.R. Directional drilling // Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. 1994. Special issue № 49. P.165-171.

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