Support of geodynamic safety in mining of the Khibini deposits
About authors
- 1 — director of the Kirovsk branch of FosAgro AG Co., general director of apatit Co Apatit Co.
- 2 — technical director, chief engineer of Apatit Co Apatit Co.
- 3 — head of center on geophysical monitoring Apatit Co.
- 4 — chief engineer of geophysical monitoring center Apatit Co.
The paper deals with the problems of geodynamics in mining of the Khibini deposits. Description is given to the complex of organizational-technical arrangements for provision of geodynamic safety at the Apatit Co and to principal trends of its development.
higher horizontal stresses
long-term large-scale mining works
spectrum of geodynamic phenomena since 1985
optimization of mining parameters
service of rockbursts prediction
maps of rockburst-hazardous zones
networks of seismic stations
redistribution of total volume of output
- Прогнозирование и профилактика горных ударов / А.В.Григорьев, В.C.Свинин, В.Ю.Запорожец и др. // Горный журнал. 1999. № 9. C.23-28.
- Григорьев А.В. Добыча апатитовых руд в условиях техногенной сейсмичности // Сборник докладов «Техногенная сейсмичность при горных работах. Модели очагов, прогноз, профилактика» КНЦ РАН, Апатиты 2004. С. 7-11
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