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Vol 194
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Features of geometrization of concentration heterogeneity in tin lode orebodies

Yu. V. Lir1
I. G. Kiryakova2
G. A. Kiryakov3
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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On an example tin orebodies sites with various degree of concentration of useful components are considered. It is offered to consider ore columns and sites of the lowered concentration of metal within the limits of the uniform approach, allocating «concentration heterogeneity» on a basis meterpercent. Thus it is necessary to consider character of change of fault surface behaviour with depth depending on type of tectonic infringement.

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  3. Лир Ю.В. Математическое моделирование напряжений на участке кулисообразных трещин / Ю.В.Лир, С.С.Шакин // Изв. вузов. Геология и разведка. 1988. № 9. С.33-37.
  4. Разрывные нарушения уголных пластов (по материалам шахтной геологии) / И.С.Гарбер, В.Е.Григорьев, Ю.Н.Дупак и др. Л.,1979. 190 с.

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