The improvement of engineering – geological information reliability based on studying the influence of some factors of technogenic effect on the sand-clay soils
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- Saint Petersburg State Mining University
It is noted that when designing structures for various purposes in order to ensure their long-term stability it is necessary to analyze the possibility of transformation of the basic components of underground space (rocks, underground water, gas, microbiota, underground construction) under the influence of natural and technogenic factors. The research results of the effect of ultraviolet radiation and vibration influence on the activity and the number of microorganisms are presented. The influence of organic pollutants on the physical and mechanical properties of the sand deposits is estimated.
- Дашко Р.Э. Микробиота в геологической среде: ее роль и последствия // Сергеевские чтения: Мат. годичной сессии научного совета РАН по проблемам геоэкологии, инженерной геологии и гидрогеологии. М., 2000. С.72-77.
- Дашко Р.Э. Механика горных пород: Учебник для вузов. М., 1987. 264 с.
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