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Vol 196
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The algorithm of numerical solution the non-linear boundary value problems of geomechanics

A. P. Gospodarikov1
M. A. Zatsepin2
A. V. Meleshko3
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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This article is devoted to the algorithm of the forecast of stress and strain state nonho-mogeneous layered physical nonlinear rock massif. The modeling based on applying the whole package of computational methods: variational method, discrete continuation on numeric parameter method, quasi-linearization of nonlinear value boundary problem, finite difference method, Thomas algorithm and iterative  process.

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  3. Григолюк Э.И. Проблемы нелинейного деформирования / Э.И.Григолюк, В.И.Шалашилин. М., 1988. 232 с.

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