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Vol 196
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Estimation of influence of territorial conditions on market cost of the ground areas in the gardening noncommercial organisations of Leningrad region

P. M. Snytko
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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In article the most essential factors influencing formation of cost of the ground areas in the gardening noncommercial  organisations are presented. On  the basis of the analysis of influence of the revealed factors on market cost of the earth the functional equation of plural regress is deduced by a method of inclusion which allows to calculate cost of any ground area which is in territory of Leningrad region, having the information on it.

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  1. Симионова Н.Е. Методы оценки и технической экспертизы недвижимости. М., 2006. 448 с.
  2. Тюрин Ю.Н. Статистический анализ данных на компьютере / Ю.Н.Тюрин, А.А.Макаров / Под ред. В.Э.Фигурнова. М., 1998. 528 с.
  3. Эконометрика: Учебник / Под ред. И.И.Елисеевой. М., 2001. 344 с.

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