Influence percentage value common land on a property on market value of land gardening noncommercial organizations Leningrad’s region
2013 P. M. Demidova, V. G. Gorelikov
System of ecological monitoring of atmospheric air of mining industrial aglomeration
2013 M. A. Pashkevich, Yu. D. Smirnov, T. A. Petrova
Lev Kelly: the 100th anniversary
2013 S. I. Pandul
The criteria for land cover classification systems of Saint Petersburg protected areas
2013 A. A. Bogolyubova
Analysis of the effect of assembly errors on deviations from design arch sizes
2013 V. A. Kougiya, O. P. Sergeev
High technology of underground construction in mega-cities with dense urban
2013 M. G. Popov