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Vol 205
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Mechanisms of ensuring complex development of mineral deposits

M. A. Nevskaya1
D. N. Ligotskii2
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  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The problem of complex use of mineral resources is relevant to the deterioration of the quality of mineral resources and the depletion of their reserves. Bjective need for the development of not only basic but also co-occurring minerals in conflict with the system of government regulation of mining operations, in terms of the rules governing the granting of the right to use natural resources, as well as in conflict with the interests of production, which are determined by market conditions. Thus, providing a complete and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is being considered in the application of both normative and stimulating tools, the development and improvement of which is the task of the state as the owner of the subsoil. Thus, providing a complete and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is being considered in the application of both normative and a other of tools of stimulation, the development and improvement of which is the task of the state as the owner of the subsoil.

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