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Vol 206
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Conditions and peculiarities of scale formation in the later stages of oil reservoir development

L. A. Shangaraeva1
A. V. Petukhov2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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Fight with scale in the well operation is one of the most important ways to increase the efficiency of oil production. Scale formation in the bottom hole reservoir and downhole equipment reduce their productivity, leading to the current unplanned and costly workovers. The piper describes the characteristics of the process of scaling in wells in the later stages of the development of oil fields.

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  1. Борьба с солеотложениями – удаление и предотвращение их образования / М.Крабртри, Д.Эслингер, Ф.Флетчер, М.Миллер // Нефтегазовое обозрение. 2002. № 2. С.52-73.
  2. Кащавцев В.Е. Солеобразование при добыче нефти / В.Е.Кащавцев, И.Т.Мищенко М., 2004. 432 с.
  3. Осложнения в нефтедобыче / Н.Г.Ибрагимов, А.Р.Хафизов, В.В.Шайдаков и др. Уфа, 2003. 302 с.

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