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Vol 207
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Open cast geological conditions analysis and the mining units formation in ore losses and dilution determining

S. I. Fomin1
P. B. Kava2
M. A. Marinin3
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 3 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The opencast geological conditions analysis and the mining units formation in ore losses and dilution determining is given in dynamic type.  The optimum height of immixed rocks triangle on minimum economic damage from losses and dilution criterion is determined. Minimum damage of an enterprise from losses and dilution of one ton of ore that provides minimum producing cost of ore mining is accepted as a criterion of optimum correlation of technological standards of rate of contact areas and standards of losses and dilution of ore.

Фомин С.И., Кава П.Б., Маринин М.А. Анализ горно-геологических условий карьера и формирование выемочной единицы при определении нормативных потерь и разубоживания руды // Записки Горного института. 2014. Т. 207. С. 74.
Fomin S.I., Kava P.B., Marinin M.A. Open cast geological conditions analysis and the mining units formation in ore losses and dilution determining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 74.
Go to volume 207


  1. Фомин С.И. Условия рациональной работы карьер-ных экскаваторов / С.И.Фомин Т.В.Донченко, В.В.Иванов // Цемент и его применение. 2007. № 6. С.23-25.

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