Economic evaluation in decision making about inactive well fund management
2014 D. A. Gamilova, I. V. Burenina, I. M. Zakharova
Multicriteria decision making based on marginal criteria concessions and rates of substitution
2014 G. I. Ankudinov, I. G. Ankudinov
The choice of data relations storing in informational systems
2014 M. V. Kopeikin, V. V. Spiridonov, E. O. Shumova
Role of the state in innovative development of oil and gas complex (on the example of Russia and Norway)
2014 E. G. Katysheva
Improvement of the mechanism of corporate governance in the large companies at change of structure of joint-stock property
2014 S. V. Korotkii, N. A. Putivlskaya
Innovative research investment activity (on the example of «Severstal»)
2014 V. M. Vasiltsova, V. S. Vasiltsov, A. O. Egorushkin