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Vol 208
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Efficient of mining companies strategy implementation

Pavel S. Tcvetkov1
V. M. Vasiltsova2
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At the present stage of development of control systems of mining and processing enterprises to compete in the global market requires an open organization, requires flexibility and adaptability. Given that each miner is large and branched structure, operational management of its units is a key factor in its success. But there is a problem to connect strategic business objectives with the activities of its subsidiaries. To solve the problem, we propose the use of a balanced scorecard tool.

Цветков П.С., Васильцова В.М. Эффективность реализации стратегии горно-добывающего предприятия // Записки Горного института. 2014. Т. 208. С. 193.
Tcvetkov P.S., Vasiltsova V.M. Efficient of mining companies strategy implementation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 193.
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  1. Жусупов К.К. Практика управления рудопотоками асбестовых карьеров на примере АО «Костанайские минералы» / К.К.Жусупов, А.Ф.Цеховой, С.Е.Пуненков. Алматы, 2006. T.3. C.273-276.
  2. Norton D., Kaplan R. The Balanced Scorecard: translating strategy into action. Harvard, 1996. 336 р.
  3. Norton D., Kaplan R. Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System // Harvard Business Review. 1996. January-Febriary. P.75-85.

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