Innovative aspects of mining companies economic development
2014 V. A. Knysh
Technique of the accounting of inflationary processes in prospecting branch
2014 V. I. Nazarov, O. S. Krasnov
Assessment of costs associated with the introduction of technology coarse crushing on the example of the diamond deposit them. M.V.Lomonosov
2014 A. V. Yamov, I. A. Kuznetsov, A. V. Babuk, S. A. Rubis
Reliability and quality of electric power produce
2014 S. V. Mozhaeva
Concept of an integraed economic assessment of natural resources (on the example of national park «Kurshskaya scythe»)
2014 I. Yu. Vasilevich
Role of the state in innovative development of oil and gas complex (on the example of Russia and Norway)
2014 E. G. Katysheva