Environmental aspects of treatment of solid fuels
2014 O. N. Glushchenko, A. M. Struev
The task of detection the optimal scheme of transport kinds’ coordination into logistic transport system with taking into account input limits
2014 O. D. Zaitseva, B. D. Prudovskii
Logistic management ecological safety of automobile transport
2014 V. N. Fedotov, A. A. Bazhenov
Evaluation of the vibration processes of mechanical systems at the stage of their design in mechanical engineering
2014 D. Yu. Ershov
Method of operative analysis of the technical condition of the car
2014 A. V. Terentev, B. D. Prudovskii
Model of moisture movement in field dressing of peat in the large spreading
2014 E. A. Kremcheev, D. O. Nagornov