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Vol 209
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Modern technologies for processing and briquetting of metal shavings in automated factories

E. G. Zlotnikov1
V. V. Maksarov2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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Offering modern methods of processing and briquetting metal chips in automated production. Considered the basic types of equipment, a scheme for constructing the production line processing chips, identified key issues related to the management process of chip formation, chip crushing, cleaning chips from cutting fluid and briquetting.

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  1. Максаров В.В. Автоматизация и управление процессом стружкообразования при предварительном пластическом воздействии на обрабатываемый матери-ал / В.В.Максаров, Ю.Ольт. СПб: Изд-во СЗТУ, 2008.
  2. Максаров В.В. Управление процессом многолез-вийной механической обработки / В.В.Максаров, Ю.Ольт. СПб: Изд-во СЗТУ, 2009.
  3. Maksarov V., Olt J. Methods of preliminary local physical action on the workable surface of the blank / 7th International Scientific Coference. Engineering for rural development. Jelgava, Latvia. 2008.
  4. 4. Maksarov V., Olt J., Laatsit T., Leemet T. Physical argumentation of deformation processes potential control while cutting heavily processed material / 6th International DAAAM Baltic Conference industrial engineering. Tallinn, Estonia, 2008.

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