Air dustiness study, improving the means and methods of dust control during stone-cutting machines' operation
About authors
- 1 — Institute of Geology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
- 2 — Institute of Geology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
- 3 — Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
- 4 — Azerbaidzhan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
The results of investigations aimed at dust contamination of air during stone-cutting opera-tions and improving the means and methods of dust control in stone quarries of Azerbaijan are presented in this paper. The dependence of air dustiness on various parameters was studied in a stone-cutting machine of CM-89A model. It was revealed that the natural humidity of stone rocks is one of the main factors reducing dust release. The works carried out through irrigation of stones with fresh and sea waters showed that the maximal dust reducing is achieved during ir-rigation with seawater.
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