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Vol 211
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Comparison of the composition of platinum group minerals in chromitites and placers of Nizhni Tagil massif, Central Urals

S. Yu. Stepanov1
A. G. Pilyugin2
A. A. Zolotarev3
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State University
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The results of the chemical composition of platinum minerals from ore body and placers of Nizhni Tagil massif of Ural Platinum Belt are summarized in the given article. Peculiar properties of the chemical composition of the platinum group minerals from ore body and placers are established and described. X-ray analysis data of the most common mineral species was ob-tained and the internal structure of granular aggregates and mono crystals was studied with due regard to the various irregularities.

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