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Vol 214
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Improving the precision of manufacturing power hydraulic cylinders of powered roof supports based on a vibration-damping tooling system

V. V. Maksarov1
Yu. Olt2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Estonian University of Life Sciences
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The article deals with a new system of a vibration-damping tool, the effect of which is achieved by a combination of the multi-layer principle and the use of anisotropic properties of sheet metal. Operation of such tool systems in turning operations can reduce high-frequency vibra-tions arising in the process of cutting due to the ordered disorientation of anisotropic plate texture of a multilayer modular tool holder that allows you to efficiently dissipate oscillatory wave energy at the boundary of transition between the plates of the tool holder. This method allows increasing the resistance of the tool cutting edge significantly and expanding the technological capabilities for the effective selection of cutting modes to ensure compliance with requirements for dimensional and geometric accuracy, quality of processed surfaces of powered roof supports, hydraulic units, mining machinery and equipment.

cutting tool vibration-damping tool external tool boring tool damping coefficient anisotropic structure of a tool holder material
Максаров В.В., Ольт Ю. Повышение точности изготовления силовых гидроцилиндров механизированных крепей на основе виброустойчивой инструментальной системы // Записки Горного института. 2015. Т. 214. С. 71-84.
Maksarov V.V., Olt Y. Improving the precision of manufacturing power hydraulic cylinders of powered roof supports based on a vibration-damping tooling system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 214. p. 71-84.
Go to volume 214


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