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Vol 214
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Method of diagnostics of diesel engines in timing of the operating cycle

A. S. Afanasev1
A. A. Tretyakova2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D. professor National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — Ph.D. associate professor Military Academy of Logistics
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To maintain diesel engines in working condition there have been developed methods of diagnosing local crankshaft rotation developed by each cylinder. Inoperative cylinder has an angular velocity of rotation that does not respond the technical conditions. The measuring and computing complex consisting of personal computers, diagnostic complex «MotoDoc III», software and a set of sensors was developed for measuring. The results of the measurement and analysis of time parameters are displayed on the monitor screen. The software facilitates the recording of a signal, its processing and storage, as well as the ability to display the results. The method of diagnosis involves a number of stages: preparation of a diesel engine and equipment, the holding of general and local diagnosis, diagnosing. Thus, it appears possible to carry out condition monitoring of diesel engines by CIP method.

diesel engine method for diagnosing measuring and computing complex set of sensors pulse high pressure CIP method duty cycle
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  1. Афанасьев А.С. Диагностирование военной автомобильной техники / А.С.Афанасьев, А.Н.Крайнов, Ю.В.Михалев; Военная академия материально-транспортного обеспечения. СПб, 2013. 211 с.
  2. Афанасьев А.С. Методика повышения достоверности и полноты технического диагностирования дизелей / А.С.Афанасьев, А.А.Третьяков, М.А.Марченко // Проблемы управления рисками в техносфере: Научно-аналитический журнал. 2014. № 1. С.56-59.
  3. Патент на полезную модель № 103188. Переходное устройство диагностической установки / А.А.Третьяков. Опубл. 27.03.2011.
  4. Патент на полезную модель № 92470. Приспособление для диагностирования дизеля КамАЗ-740 / А.А.Третьяков. Опубл. 20.03.2010.
  5. Транспортная энергетика: Учеб.пособие / В.Р.Бурячко, Ю.В.Михалев, А.С.Афанасьев; Военная академия материально-транспортного обеспечения. СПб, 2014. 340 с.

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