Modeling of geomechanical processes in ore mass using physically nonlinear model
- Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The aim of the article is to develop a method of forecasting the state of stress of the ore mass around excavations for ores of weak and medium strength. The paper presents experimental studies on the deformation of ore samples of low and medium strength in the forging equipment in conditions of volume stress state. A physically nonlinear model is used to describe the deformation process of ore mass. The study of the stress state of physically nonlinear ore mass around excavations of round and valuated cross-sections is performed. Values of coefficients of tangential stress concentrations on excavation contour are found for different types of ore. Solutions to physically nonlinear problems in preparatory excavations in the development of the Yakovlevskiy deposit of rich iron ore using a slicing method are considered. Methods for forecasting the stress state in rock mass around mine excavations can be used to assess their stability in the mining of ore of low and medium strength at the Yakovlevskiy iron ore deposit and in the rock and soil masses.
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