Technical and technological solutions to ensure stability of downhole drilling motors
- 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
The article shows research analysis of engineering and technological solutions that aimed at improving the efficiency of drilling wells using optimization of dynamic of work downhole drill-ing motors. As the technical solutions that reduce vibration, considered two options of construc-tion of the power section. A first embodiment involves the production of a hollow rotor which can reduce its moment of inertia. The second solution is the production of modular rotor, which are changing the eccentricity (misalignment) of rotating parts of the engine. The research of fluctuations throughout the length of the power section of the working bodies and the spindle of the engine, taking into account changes in its energy characteristics has been con-ducted to ensure stable operation of the engine in a well, identifying optimal loading parameters. Indicators of shaft speed ensuring minimum vibration amplitude of the engine has been Iden-tified. Optimal speed range of the rotor to prevent buckling of the BHA and to sustain its operation is shown to be between 15-20 % of the frequency of the engine at idle. The maximum reduction in speed during the drilling process should not exceed 30 % by conducted research.
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