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Vol 241
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Research article
Oil and gas

Mechanical Properties of Sandstone using non-Destructive Method

H. Rajaoalison1
A. Zlotkowski2
G. Rambolamanana3
About authors
  • 1 — AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas
  • 2 — AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas
  • 3 — Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar
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The understanding of physical and mechanical properties of rock is considered as critical in drilling, geo-engineering, and construction applications. As an example, the awareness of these rock parameters contributes to avoid or minimizing instability around the wellbore while drilling. The laboratory experiment of understanding of these parameters can be done in two-different ways: static, where the sample subjects to destruction after the test and dynamic, known as non-destruction method. The non-destructive method using ultrasonic waves under a series of different stress conditions, starting from 7 to 56 MPa with incrementation of 7MPa, has been used in this paper in order to characterize the mechanical properties of dry Zbylutów sandstone at 20 and 80°C. The velocity of primary (P) and secondary (S) waves within these ranges has been recorded in order to understand the behavior of the mechanical properties. The results showed that the Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus, and Lame’s constant of Zbylutów sandstone have a positive correlation with good coefficient correlation with the increased stress, while the Poisson’s ratio showed a negative correlation. Besides, the effect of temperature on the rock parameters is approved by the decrease of primary wave velocity in this two-different temperature range. Such results are necessary when preparing the appropriate mud weight for drilling process, which is related to wellbore instability.

mechanical properties non-destructive method sandstone stresses temperature effect
Go to volume 241


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