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Vol 241
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Mining excavator working equipment load forecasting according to a fuzzy-logistic model

V. S. Velikanov
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  • Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov
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Due to the fact that the loads occurring in the working equipment of mining excavators are determined by a large number of random factors that are difficult to represent by analytical formulas, for estimating and predicting loads the models must be introduced using non-standard approaches. In this study, we used the methodology of the theory of fuzzy logic and fuzzy pluralities, which allows to overcome the difficulties associated with the incompleteness and vagueness of the data in assessing and predicting the  forces encountered in the working equipment of mining excavators, as well as with the qualitative nature of these data. As a result of computer simulation in the fuzzyTECH environment, data comparable with experimental studies were obtained to determine the level of loading of the main elements of the working equipment of mining excavators. Based on a representative sample, a statistical analysis of the data was performed, as a result of which the equation of linear multiple stress regression in the handle of mining excavators was obtained, which allows to make an accurate forecast of the loading of the working equipment of the excavator.

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