Дервиз В.М. Кристаллы гремучей ртути // Записки Горного института. 1913. Т. № 4 4. С. 292-293.
Derviz V.M. Mercury fulminate crystals // Journal of Mining Institute. 1913. Vol. № 4 4. p. 292-293.
Anhydrous crystals of this substance are obtained by the action of ethyl alcohol on a solution of mercury nitrate according to the formula (see article). They are crystallized from a hot aqueous solution. This salt can be looked at as a salt of fulminate acid or carbidoxime. The measured crystals were extracted from a dusty powder, in which, however, due to the extreme shine of the microscopic crystals, shiny points are still visible, partly due to the mixed drops of mercury.