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Vol 4 No 4
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Research article

Crystallographic measurements of abietic acid

M. F. Silant'ev
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This is a measurement of abiethic acid with a melting temperature of +143 ° C., obtained by O. O. Koshelev in the laboratory of Prof. Chugaev from a solution in ethyl alcohol in the form of colorless transparent crystals. The crystals belong to the rhombic system of the gynohexagonal type and have a lamellar appearance with the most strongly developed face (0101) and are almost always elongated in one of two directions: either along the [1000] axis or along the [0121] axis. On all observed crystals, the (0101) faces were strongly and completely irregularly curved. See the figure and measurement results in the article.

Силантьев М.Ф. Кристаллографические измерения абиэтиновой кислоты // Записки Горного института. 1913. Т. № 4 4. С. 276-277.
Silant’ev M.F. Crystallographic measurements of abietic acid // Journal of Mining Institute. 1913. Vol. № 4 4. p. 276-277.
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