Produc-tion of Silver Ruble and participation of the Saint-Petersburg Mining university in the development of monetary industry of Russia
- 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 3 — Ph.D. Assistant lecturer Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 4 — Ph.D. Associate professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
The article is a continuation of the research on the production of silver rubles and the development of Russian coinage. Graduates of the Saint-Petersburg Mining University contributed to the reputation and history of the Saint-Petersburg Mint as an advanced and high-tech production. The article describes the beginning of the development of silver ruble production, the use of ores from the Nerchinskoye deposit in the Transbaikalia to produce the main raw material in the form of concentrates and a silver alloy. The materials for the study used unique exhibits of the Mining Museum of the Saint-Petersburg Mining University, which are associated with the history of coinage and the Saint-Petersburg Mint. Some samples of lead-silver ores cast billets, and stamped coins were studied to determine the technological features of their manufacture. An analytical study of the features of minting and obtaining the first Russian silver coins according to some data of the royal decrees was carried out. The current level of technology and knowledge, as well as the special equipment of the laboratories of the Saint-Petersburg Mining University, made it possible to re-evaluate the characteristic features of the production of silver coins.
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