- 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University ▪ Orcid
- 2 — Institute of Mining of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- 3 — Institute of Mining of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The subject of the research is the stress-strain and rock burst hazardous state of the ore massif of the Nikolaevskoe polymetallic deposit, formed under the influence of complex mining-geological and mining-technical factors. The purpose of the research is to establish the peculiarities of the formation of technogenic stress fields at the deposit, which is characterized by a block structure, a complex tectonic system and the presence of a large volume of developed spaces. Volumetric geodynamic modeling of the stress-strain state of the massif at different stages of the development of the deep horizons of the deposit was carried out by collecting information on the structure, properties and geodynamic state of the rock mass. The assessment of stress changes taking into account the effect of hypsometry, the configuration of the selvages, the physical-mechanical properties of the ore deposit and host rocks, the presence of tectonic disturbances was made using the developed numerical algorithms, the automation equipment of the initial data and the PRESS 3D URAL software. The simulation made it possible to establish that tectonic faults in the massif lead to a qualitative change in the stress-strain state in certain parts of the ore massif and in the pillars, namely, the reduction of stresses along the tectonic faults and their growth in nearby pillars. The identified features of the distribution of stresses in the tectonically disturbed rock massif of the Nikolaevskoe deposit will allow to identify in advance potentially hazardous areas both at the planning stage of mining operations and during development, as well as to work out effective rock burst measures to increase the safety of mining. The results of research can be used in enterprises with similar mining-geological and mining-technical conditions.
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