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Vol 231
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Topochemical kinetics of external friction during mechanical and thermal activation of the friction contact

A. Yu. Albagachiev1
M. I. Sidorov2
M. E. Stavrovskii3
About authors
  • 1 — Institute of Engineering Science named after A.A. Blagonravov RAS
  • 2 — Scientific Research Institute «Geodesy»
  • 3 — Research Institute «Center for Environmental Industrial Policy»
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The article deals with the process of contact interaction (relative displacement) of surfaces as a chemical reaction, the regularity of which is described by the Arrhenius equation. The kinetic characteristics of Gersi-Striebeck are obtained taking into account the mechanical and temperature conditions of the frictional contact. The process of interaction of materials in friction in the form of regularities of topochemical kinetics, realized due to the processes of formation and growth of adhesion adhesion nuclei, makes it possible to present the experimental characteristics in the form of theoretical dependences. These dependences reflect the entire range of variation of the coefficient of friction from the speed of mutual movement of materials, including at ultra-low sliding speeds. In the framework of this approach, the lubricating action of the medium prevents and blocks the reactions of the transition of nuclei to actively growing nuclei.

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