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Vol 230
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Improvement of the procedure of recruitment of personnel for hazardous work environment

N. D. Tskhadaya1
D. Yu. Zakharov2
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  • 1 — Ukhta State Technical University
  • 2 — Ukhta State Technical University
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With the purpose of the reduction of the number of the emergency and abnormal situations in the oil mines conditioned by the influence of the «human factor» an opportunity of application of the system of permit to the works with respect to the real functional state of the personnel is considered in the paper. A «human factor» may become a reason not only for the occurrence but also for the development of the emergency situation according to the unfavorable scenario. The arduous labor conditions such as heating environment, low level of lighting, high level of the dust load may result in the multiple increase of the negative influence of the factors of the real functional state on the quality and safety of the operations. Reasoning from this fact, the consideration of the factors of the functional state in the process of getting a permit to works in the oil mines is of vital importance and requires a well-reasoned and integrated assessment. Having highlighted the parameters of the real functional state and evaluated them on the basis of the validated psychophysiological tests the authors managed to join them together into a method of the evaluation of the influence of the functional state of a person on the process of making executive decisions in the emergency situations. When using the developed method, an opportunity of the enhancement of the system of professional recruitment and a process of getting a permit to the hazardous operations for both the supervising manpower and the operation personnel occurs. The method draws on the considerable volume of the applied experimental studies which were pursued on the basis of the facilities of the oil and gas complex. The data obtained allow to make conclusions about the feasibility of an insert new criteria of the evaluation of the readiness of a person to perform the job responsibilities. Applying the obtained criteria makes possible to create measures for the psychological adaptation of the personnel, for the improvement of the labor discipline, for the increase of the safety of operations in the unique Yarega oil mines.

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