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Andrey V. Ivanov
Andrey V. Ivanov
associate professor, Ph.D.
Saint Petersburg Mining University
associate professor, Ph.D.
Saint Petersburg Mining University
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Development of the concept of an innovative laboratory installation for the study of dust-forming surfaces

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Currently, the determination of the emission rate of suspended solids from a unit of the surface area of a man-made mass at various parameters of the wind flow is not sufficiently described. The analysis of the world experience of researchers shows that existing laboratory installations have various design features that do not allow to correctly determine the mass of the dust being flapped and wind-blown. Based on the analysis results, the concept of an innovative laboratory installation for the study of dust-forming surfaces has been developed. It takes into account the influence of wind shadows, the deturbulization of an artificially created air flow, the possibility of regulating not only the flow velocity mode, but also the creation of a vacuum or disturbance in the area of sample placement, as well as the formation of a certain angle of wind flow attack relative to the surface. The concept provides for the possibility of determining the volume of dust emissions by the values of the lost dust masses in the sample and by the values of dust concentrations in the outgoing stream. The calculation of the main basic elements of the installation using the ANSYS FLUENT software package was carried out. The model and configuration of the wind tunnel have been developed and calculated, the main geometric parameters and functional elements for the possibility of use in scientific work have been determined. For practical use of the empirical roughness value of the underlying surface, its values are recommended in a wide range – from zero for the water surface to 0.44 for large cities with tall buildings and skyscrapers.

How to cite: Ivanov A.V., Smirnov Y.D., Chupin S.A. Development of the concept of an innovative laboratory installation for the study of dust-forming surfaces // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 251. p. 757-766. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.5.15
Environmental protection
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Optimization of work of dust supperession sprayer with use of computing modelling

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In the Mining University there was set construction of pneumohydraulic sprayer for dust suppression systems. Important development stage of dust suppression sprayer is creation meth computing model for optimization of a hydraulic flow in a sprayer for reduction of working expenses.

How to cite: Ivanov A.V., Smirnov Y.D. Optimization of work of dust supperession sprayer with use of computing modelling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 150.

The identification optimal parameters of pneumohydraulic sprayer for the most economical and effective dust suppression

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The construction of pneumohydraulic sprayer-snow generator for effective and economical dust suppression was proposed. Developed and made more than ten sprayer  models and  was  made several series of experiment for identification optimal parameters this construction. There was made special dust suppression bunker and was made several series of experiment for identification optimal parameters bunker and efficiency of dust suppression. With this plant there was efficiency of dust suppression 85 %.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Ivanov A.V. The identification optimal parameters of pneumohydraulic sprayer for the most economical and effective dust suppression // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 98.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Working out innovative dust control devices for conditions of northern regions

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Around placing of the enterprises of a mineral complex, and especially in areas of placing   of sailings, as a result of mass emissions of a dust in environment there are adverse ecological conditions, and also, level of dust loading on an organism of the worker increases. In article the way of dust control, based on mechanical catching of the weighed particles by snow, on filtering and shielding action of snow is  considered.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Kovshov S.V., Ivanov A.V. Working out innovative dust control devices for conditions of northern regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 133.
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Using of steam condensing way of dust-depressing in different manufacturing operations during mining

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In places of possible allocation of a dust, near sources of its formation or at allocation places ways of dust-depressing now are applied. Principal views of dust-depressing are: a water irrigation (including dispersing, the ionized water), a foamy irrigation (aerofoams, air-mechanical foams), an irrigation steam (fog). In article condensation of steams of water on a surface of hygroscopic particles is considered stream-condensation way of dust-depressing, based on action.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Kamenskii A.A., Ivanov A.V. Using of steam condensing way of dust-depressing in different manufacturing operations during mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 82-85.
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Energy performance of oversized lumps crushing with the use of standard and conversion blasting equipment

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In the practice of rock excavation by borehole and borehole charges, oversized lumps of rock mass are formed, the yield of which is caused by: the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, the blockiness of rock masses, the parameters of drilling and blasting operations and other factors. The presence of oversized lumps of rocks on working platforms of open pits complicates technological processes of excavation and transport, reduces the efficiency of loading and transporting equipment. In underground mining the crushing of oversized lumps of rock mass is carried out on scraper tracks, in ducts and ore stacks, during the works in which the most difficult are the cases of jamming and vaulting.

How to cite: Ivanov A.V., Zhelunitsin Y.P., Sysoev N.I., Shchukin Y.G., Frantov A.E. Energy performance of oversized lumps crushing with the use of standard and conversion blasting equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 1 148. p. 189-192.
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Организация диалогового взаимодействия специалистов с информационной системой при решении задач планирования и управления минеральными ресурсами

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Минерально-сырьевой комплекс (МСК) относится к классу больших эконо­мических систем. Построение моделей, постановка задач планирования и управ­ления для таких систем связаны с преодолением значительных сложностей тео­ретического и практического характера ...

How to cite: Ivanov A.V., Livshits A.N., Smirnov V.N. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1987. Vol. 114. p. 87.