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Boris Yu. Zuev
Boris Yu. Zuev
Head of Laboratory
Saint Petersburg Mining University
Head of Laboratory
Saint Petersburg Mining University
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Methodology of modeling nonlinear geomechanical processes in blocky and layered rock masses on models made of equivalent materials

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The research purpose is to develop a methodology that increases the reliability of reproduction and research on models made of equivalent materials of complex nonlinear processes of deformation and destruction of structured rock masses under the influence of underground mining operations to provide a more accurate prediction of the occurrence of dangerous phenomena and assessment of their consequences. New approaches to similarity criterion based on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics; new types of equivalent materials that meet these criteria; systems for the formation of various initial and boundary conditions regulated by specially developed computer programs; new technical means for more reliable determination of stresses in models; new methods for solving inverse geomechanical problems in the absence of the necessary initial field data have been developed. Using the developed methodology, a number of complex nonlinear problems have been solved related to estimates of the oscillatory nature of changes in the bearing pressure during dynamic roof collapse processes; ranges of changes in the frequency of processes during deformation and destruction of rock mass elements, ranges of changes in their accelerations; parameters of shifts with a violation of the continuity of the rock mass under the influence of mining: secant cracks, delaminations, gaping voids, accounting for which is necessary to assess the danger of the formation of continuous water supply canals in the water-protection layer.

How to cite: Zuev B.Y. Methodology of modeling nonlinear geomechanical processes in blocky and layered rock masses on models made of equivalent materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 250. p. 542-552. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.4.7
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Physical modeling of interchamber pillars fixity in Gubkin mine

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Procedure of Korobkovsky iron-ore deposit new levels mining with the usage of physical modeling has been determined. Evaluation of interchamber pillars fixity in Gubkin mine and soil surface deformation in the process of lift mining and fractional interchamber pillars robbing on three levels has been carried out. After conducting geomechanical research the decision of foremost development and mining of bottom level reserve between –125 m / –250 m has been made.

How to cite: Boguslavskii E.I., Zuev B.Y., Korzhavykh P.V. Physical modeling of interchamber pillars fixity in Gubkin mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 17.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Dynamics in change of stresses in hardly-caving roof and in a supported zone in the course of evolution of structural parameters of rock mass with secondary subsidence

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Physical modeling on equivalent materials with the use of newly-developed stress sensors allows to investigate the geomechanical processes in blocky structures in their evolution during coal seam mining by long stoping faces under  complicated geological-and-mining conditions.  The results of investigations may be used in selection of optimal parameters of supports.

How to cite: Zuev B.Y. Dynamics in change of stresses in hardly-caving roof and in a supported zone in the course of evolution of structural parameters of rock mass with secondary subsidence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 168.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Anticipating of probable strains slope of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» at seismically impact

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Estimation of earthquakes seismic effect for slope stability of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» in Kemerovo region by means of pseudo-static analysis and physical modeling is conducted. Relevancy to take into account not only maximum accelerations but also continuance of oscillations is showed.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Zuev B.Y., Pavlovich A.A. Anticipating of probable strains slope of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» at seismically impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 143.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Investigation of stress-strain state of floor of the dividing mass of deep-lying ore mines at Тalnakh

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The paper contains the results and analysis of the formation of stress-strain state in blocky structure enclosing the dividing mass. The regularities were established on the influence of blocky structure undermining on stress state of the floor of dividing mass. Recommendations are given for the safe mining in the dividing rock mass.

How to cite: Zvezdkin V.A., Zuev B.Y., Klimkina V.M., Anokhin A.G., Darbinyan T.P. Investigation of stress-strain state of floor of the dividing mass of deep-lying ore mines at Тalnakh // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 81-84.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Investigation of geomechanical processes in underground mining of mineral resources at the automated test bench for physical modeling

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The paper presents the particular results of development of the method for modeling on equivalent materials in the recent years, concerning the evolution of the primary technical base of the laboratory – test benches, which allowed to supplement substantially the potentialities of physical modeling for its complex application jointly with the full-scale and mathematical methods in solving a number of actual tasks in mining geomechanics.

How to cite: Zuev B.Y. Investigation of geomechanical processes in underground mining of mineral resources at the automated test bench for physical modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 85-88.