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Jeef Loeb
Jeef Loeb
Global Consultant Manage
Blast Movement Technologies PTY Ltd Company AB Hexagon
Global Consultant Manage
Blast Movement Technologies PTY Ltd Company AB Hexagon


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Estimation of ore contour movements after the blast using the BMM system

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Measurement of ore movements by blast is one of the key components of the quality control system at any mining enterprise, which allows to obtain the accuracy necessary for determining the location of ore contours. About 15 years ago, a monitoring system was developed in Australia that allows mine personnel to make three-dimensional measurements of ore blocks movement at each blast. Studies have shown that ore blocks movement is extremely variable, and it characterized by a complete absence of a deterministic component. The consequence is that modeling ore contour movements during the blast will be inaccurate, and the best results for the mining enterprise can only be achieved by directly measuring the movement. The technology of measuring ore contours movements considered in the article is based on three-dimensional movement vectors obtained in different parts of the blasted block, characterized by different movements. It is obvious that the accuracy of determining the ore contours position after the blast is proportional to the number of measurements made on the block. Currently, the movement control technology based on the BMM system is actively used by global mining companies, its use reduces losses and dilution of ore. In 2017, the pilot implementation of the BMM system was started at the Olympiadinsky GOK, and the system is being implemented in several Russian mining companies.

How to cite: Rakhmanov R.A., Loeb J., Kosukhin N.I. Estimation of ore contour movements after the blast using the BMM system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 245. p. 547-553. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.5.6