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Yu. V. Andreev
Yu. V. Andreev
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University


Metallurgy and concentration
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Extraction of platinum metals during procssing of chromium ores from dunnite deposits

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Currently, the main raw materials sources of platinum group metals in Russia are complex sulfide copper-nickel ores of the Taimyr region and placer deposits. However, in view of the inevitable loss of platinum metals during the metallurgical processing of initial ores and the deterioration of the quality of ore raw materials, along with a decrease in the share of platinum mining from placers, there is a need to look for new non-traditional sources of platinum group metals. Dunnites of the Middle Urals are promising platinum-bearing raw materials. The use of the gravitational-magnetic processing of chromium ores of dunnite deposits makes it possible to identify a magnetic platinum-bearing concentrate with a high content of magnetite and platinum-iron alloys, they can be refined using chemical-metallurgical methods. This article presents the results of research of identifying peculiarities of technological behavior of chromium, iron and noble metals during mechanical processing of ledge chromium ore. The kinetic regularities of the sulfuric acid decomposition of magnetite are determined. Optimum technological parameters of sulfuric acid leaching of iron from magnetic products of chromium ore dressing are established. Based on the conducted studies, the PDF and PID for the complex processing of chromium ores of dunnite deposits is proposed, which ensures the production of a rich platinum-bearing concentrate and a high-quality chromite concentrate that meets the requirements of chemical production.

How to cite: Petrov G.V., Shneerson Y.M., Andreev Y.V. Extraction of platinum metals during procssing of chromium ores from dunnite deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 231. p. 281. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.3.281
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Recovery of rhenium in hydrometallurgic processing osmium-containing process-suitable materials of sulphide-copper ores

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Incidental concentrating of valuable elements in processing sulphide-copper ores yields supplementary semi-products enriched  with  osmium, rhenium, and  selenium.  Peculiar features of processing properties of rhenium, radiogenic osmium, and selenium are shown in this paper, as well as concentrators for rare microelements and ways of their extraction.

How to cite: Boduen A.Y., Petrov G.V., Spynu A.Y., Andreev Y.V., Mardar I.I. Recovery of rhenium in hydrometallurgic processing osmium-containing process-suitable materials of sulphide-copper ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 161.
Innovation technology in the field of metallurgy and enrichment
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Improvement of the technology аssociated production of selenium in recycling sludge anodic electrolysis of copper

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Shows the shortcomings of traditional roasting-selenide technology of extraction of selenium. The results of studies on the development of reagentless electrochemical method of removing it. A basic technological scheme of obtaining technical selenium in terms of electroextraction was offer.

How to cite: Petrov G.V., Chernyshev A.A., Kovalev V.N., Andreev Y.V. Improvement of the technology аssociated production of selenium in recycling sludge anodic electrolysis of copper // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 58.