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S. V. Tsirel
S. V. Tsirel


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Geodynamic methods for assessing methane distribution in bituminous coal deposits and measures to intensify methane fluxes during mine gas drainage

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This paper explores states of methane within the coal bearing stratum and shows heavy dependency of the intrastratal gas migration on the forms of porous space and petrographic properties of coal. The adsorbed methane is found to be predominant in the coal of Kuznetsk Basin. Different forms of coal diffusion and filtration are described revealing their dependency on geological and thermodynamic conditions. The paper provides justification for the primary focus on geodynamic processes when designing gas drainage systems and applicability of morphometric methods and remote sensing data for their identification. The significance of researches into the processes activating exothermic reactions resulting in methane transition to free state is explained. The paper presents the results of using seismic-acoustic stimulation techniques as one of the practical approaches to addressing this issue. Results of successful industrial testing have been compared with the results of numerical modelling of stress-strain state, which can also be managed through seismic-acoustic stimulation.

How to cite: Goncharov E.V., Tsirel S.V. Geodynamic methods for assessing methane distribution in bituminous coal deposits and measures to intensify methane fluxes during mine gas drainage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 222. p. 803. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.6.803
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The technology of extracting gaseous fuel based on comprehensive in situ gasification and coalbed degassing

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The study considers a comprehensive technology (designed and patented by the authors) of developing coal and methane deposits which combines in situ gasification of lower coalbeds in the suite of rock bump hazardous gassy beds, extraction of coal methane and mechanized mining of coal. The first stage of the technology consists in mining gaseous fuel that enables one to extract up to 15-20 % of total energy from the suite of coalbeds. Geodynamic zoning is used to select positions for boring wells. Using the suggested technology makes it possible to solve a number of tasks simultaneously. First of all that is extracting gaseous fuel from the suite of coalbeds without running any mining works while retaining principal coalbeds in the suite and preparing them for future processing (unloading and degassing). During the first phase the methane-coal deposit works as a gas deposit only, the gas having two sources – extracted methane (which includes its locked forms, absorbed and adsorbed) and the products of partial incineration of thin coalbeds, riders and seams from thee suite. The second stage consists in deep degassing and unloading of coal beds which sharply reduces the hazards of methane explosion and rock bumps, thus increasing the productivity of mechanized coal mining. During the second stage coal is mined in long poles with the account of degassing and unloading of coal beds, plus the data on gas dynamic structure of coal rock massif.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Goncharov E.V., Zubkov V.V. The technology of extracting gaseous fuel based on comprehensive in situ gasification and coalbed degassing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 545. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.545
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Ways for providng safety in designing of intensive coal mining at the Kuznetsk basin

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Problems are generalized for the purpose of providing safety in coal deposits mining at the Kuzbass. It was shown that the basis for providing safety should be a complex of safety measures in corporating a repeat geodynamic zooming of the overall Kuzbass, individual deposits and mine fields, multiphase degassing at all stages of mining , and also the gaseous, seismic, hydrogeomechanical and electromagnetic monitoring at productive mines. It was suggested to work out safety regulations for providing safety during intensive coal mining not for each individual holding, but for the whole Kuzbass.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Yutyaev E.P., Paltsev A.I. Ways for providng safety in designing of intensive coal mining at the Kuznetsk basin // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 103.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Interaction between seismic activity in Kuzbass and open-pit operations

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The analysis of graphs shows seismic events repeatability and seismic events distribution during the day, by days of the week and by months was made. It is shown, that seismic activity in Kuzbass region has a mixed natural and manmade character and figures of repeatability have interim character, the majority of seismic events occur in the time of blasting operations in open   pit mining, but the distribution by month of the year corresponds to planetary pattern – the larg est number of events takes place in March, August and December. It  was suggested that the  spring increase in  seismic activity lead to reduced  stability of mine slopes during the snowmelt  of landslides formation.

How to cite: Tsirel S.V., Pavlovich A.A. Interaction between seismic activity in Kuzbass and open-pit operations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 174.
Present-day problems of geomechanics, mining practice and innovation technologies in mining engineering
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Anticipating of probable strains slope of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» at seismically impact

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Estimation of earthquakes seismic effect for slope stability of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» in Kemerovo region by means of pseudo-static analysis and physical modeling is conducted. Relevancy to take into account not only maximum accelerations but also continuance of oscillations is showed.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Zuev B.Y., Pavlovich A.A. Anticipating of probable strains slope of coal strip mine «Chernigovets» at seismically impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 197. p. 143.
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Phenomenon of dilatancy in fragmented rocks

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The design procedure of dilatancy changes of volume of the fragmented rocks is offered. By means of this technique the mechanism of loosening in rock blasting is considered. The behaviour of fragmented rocks at compression and vibration is studied. Quality estimations of the processes occurring in zones of destruction in rock massif at shift are made.

How to cite: Tsirel S.V. Phenomenon of dilatancy in fragmented rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 176.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Regularities of progressing of technogenic seismic activity in mining areas

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Regularities of variation of cumulative graphs of seismic events repetition in process of transferring from natural seismic activity to the technogenic one are studied. Processes of growth of technogenic seismicity in mining regions on examples of the Kola peninsula and Kuzbass are reviewed.

How to cite: Tsirel S.V. Regularities of progressing of technogenic seismic activity in mining areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 58-62.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Specific manifestations of tectonic and seismic activity in Kuzbass

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The conducted observations demonstrated the substantial growth and variation of nature of tectonic and seismic activity in Kuzbas. Growth of geodynamic risks is marked. Methods for study of observable processes are suggested.

How to cite: Ekimov A.I., Tsirel S.V. Specific manifestations of tectonic and seismic activity in Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 79-81.
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Критерии разрушения при расчетах параметров буровзрывных работ по оценкам волн напряжений

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Одним из самых сложных вопросов использования расчетов полей напряжений для определения параметров буровзрывных работ (БВР) является выбор кри­терия (критериев) разрушения и их критериальных значений ...

How to cite: Tsirel S.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1991. Vol. 125. p. 66.
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Метод определения уравнения состояния горных пород

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Уравнение состояния горных пород позволяет получать замкнутые системы для теоретического решения многих задач. Однако на сегодняшний день эта задача мало изучена, чаще всего рассматриваются простейшие модели, напри­мер, несжимаемая жидкость (уравнение состояния р = const) или упругое тело (закон Гука) ...

How to cite: Krasavin S.V., Tsirel S.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1984. Vol. 99. p. 64.