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Vol 205
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Ways for providng safety in designing of intensive coal mining at the Kuznetsk basin

A. N. Shabarov1
S. V. Tsirel2
E. P. Yutyaev3
A. I. Paltsev4
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 3 — SUEK-Kuzbass
  • 4 — SUEK-Kuzbass
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Problems are generalized for the purpose of providing safety in coal deposits mining at the Kuzbass. It was shown that the basis for providing safety should be a complex of safety measures in corporating a repeat geodynamic zooming of the overall Kuzbass, individual deposits and mine fields, multiphase degassing at all stages of mining , and also the gaseous, seismic, hydrogeomechanical and electromagnetic monitoring at productive mines. It was suggested to work out safety regulations for providing safety during intensive coal mining not for each individual holding, but for the whole Kuzbass.

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