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E. V. Goncharov
E. V. Goncharov
senior research
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
senior research
Saint-Petersburg Mining University


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Geodynamic methods for assessing methane distribution in bituminous coal deposits and measures to intensify methane fluxes during mine gas drainage

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This paper explores states of methane within the coal bearing stratum and shows heavy dependency of the intrastratal gas migration on the forms of porous space and petrographic properties of coal. The adsorbed methane is found to be predominant in the coal of Kuznetsk Basin. Different forms of coal diffusion and filtration are described revealing their dependency on geological and thermodynamic conditions. The paper provides justification for the primary focus on geodynamic processes when designing gas drainage systems and applicability of morphometric methods and remote sensing data for their identification. The significance of researches into the processes activating exothermic reactions resulting in methane transition to free state is explained. The paper presents the results of using seismic-acoustic stimulation techniques as one of the practical approaches to addressing this issue. Results of successful industrial testing have been compared with the results of numerical modelling of stress-strain state, which can also be managed through seismic-acoustic stimulation.

How to cite: Goncharov E.V., Tsirel S.V. Geodynamic methods for assessing methane distribution in bituminous coal deposits and measures to intensify methane fluxes during mine gas drainage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 222. p. 803-808. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.6.803
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The technology of extracting gaseous fuel based on comprehensive in situ gasification and coalbed degassing

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The study considers a comprehensive technology (designed and patented by the authors) of developing coal and methane deposits which combines in situ gasification of lower coalbeds in the suite of rock bump hazardous gassy beds, extraction of coal methane and mechanized mining of coal. The first stage of the technology consists in mining gaseous fuel that enables one to extract up to 15-20 % of total energy from the suite of coalbeds. Geodynamic zoning is used to select positions for boring wells. Using the suggested technology makes it possible to solve a number of tasks simultaneously. First of all that is extracting gaseous fuel from the suite of coalbeds without running any mining works while retaining principal coalbeds in the suite and preparing them for future processing (unloading and degassing). During the first phase the methane-coal deposit works as a gas deposit only, the gas having two sources – extracted methane (which includes its locked forms, absorbed and adsorbed) and the products of partial incineration of thin coalbeds, riders and seams from thee suite. The second stage consists in deep degassing and unloading of coal beds which sharply reduces the hazards of methane explosion and rock bumps, thus increasing the productivity of mechanized coal mining. During the second stage coal is mined in long poles with the account of degassing and unloading of coal beds, plus the data on gas dynamic structure of coal rock massif.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Goncharov E.V., Zubkov V.V. The technology of extracting gaseous fuel based on comprehensive in situ gasification and coalbed degassing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 545-550. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.545
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Thermal strengthening of loosened soils and rocks during mining operations

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The Article contains the analysis of data on application of thermal strengthening of soils and rocks. The use of this method in mining is restrained by insufficient study of the processes accompanying the heating and following cooling of strengthened soils and rocks. Substantiation is given to the potential application of thermal strengthening of loosened rocks during surface and underground mining.

How to cite: Smirnov V.A., Rabota E.N., Goncharov E.V. Thermal strengthening of loosened soils and rocks during mining operations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 37.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Physical modeling of energy exchange in rock mass

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The cause of manifestation of dangerous dynamic phenomena, such as rock bursts, earthquakes, etc., appears to be the energy exchange in rock mass. The inaccessibility of rock mass for carrying out the full-scale observations has stimulated to study this problem with using the methods of laboratory modeling. Description is given to the substance of energy exchange in situ, the principles of its physical modeling in the laboratory, to the test equipment as well as to some results of our investigations.

How to cite: Lodus E.V., Goncharov E.V. Physical modeling of energy exchange in rock mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 64-67.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Application of solid oxygen-containing substances for higher productivity of oil wells

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The technological principles and results of realization of exothermal reactions in oil-and-gas productive wells are presented. Unique comfinations of chemical reagents on base of chlorates, saltpetres, etc ensured the simplicity, low prices and efficiency of technological operations for intensive influxes of oil and gas. High efficiency is reached not only due to reduction of oil viscosity and removal of paraffin and asphaltenes, but also due to re-forming of the reservoir rocks by relief of rock pressure and extension of fractures.

How to cite: Karmansky A.T., Goncharov E.V. Application of solid oxygen-containing substances for higher productivity of oil wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 123-126.
Surveying and geodesy
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Developments of VNIMI for mine surveying services of mining industries

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A list of revised and newly developed surveying normative and methodical documents is given. The analysis of new editions of the Instructions for the production of surveying in the mining, oil and gas industry. A number of new mine-surveyor documents are proposed for development.

How to cite: Zhukov G.P., Goncharov E.V. Developments of VNIMI for mine surveying services of mining industries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 160-163.
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Intensity based on seismic scale, vibration velocity and distance reduction in blasting

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Back in the early 1940s, M.A. Sadovsky established the fact of correlation of the degree of damage to buildings and structures during explosions with the value of the maximum velocity of ground oscillations on the day surface (at the base of structures). The value of this velocity in the case of instant explosions of concentrated (and equivalent to them spatially dispersed and short-delayed) charges is modeled by a two-parameter argument - the equivalent reduced distance, which displays the energy principle of similarity of phenomena in explosions.

How to cite: Pergament V.K., Ovcharov Y.E., Goncharov E.V. Intensity based on seismic scale, vibration velocity and distance reduction in blasting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 84-90.