The problems of sustainable development of energy company in the oil and gas complex of Russia are considered. The criteria and the concept of strategic development of the company, focused on adequate satisfaction of consumer needs in electricity, heat energy, fuel for transportation, are substantiated. Strategic prerequisites for the formation and development of global energy companies are highlighted.
The main types of underground facilities suitable for use as carbon dioxide storage facilities are specified, the most significant advantages associated with the implementation of the project under consideration are identified. Possible favorable consequences of the project implementation are considered, taking into account the prospects of Russia's compliance with international environmental obligations.
The problems of forming a strategy for the development of oil and gas resources are considered. The criteria for assessing the economic effect of oil and gas resources development at the level of local objects, oil and gas complexes, regions and districts, oil and gas provinces and the country as a whole are proposed. Conducted a systematic analysis and forecast of the impact of factors that determine the economic value and profitability of the development of oil and gas resources, territories and water areas of the country. Technical prerequisites and priority directions of scientific and technological progress for oil and gas regions of Russia are substantiated.
The general problems of oil and gas resources development strategy formation are considered. The experience and methodological approaches used in strategy formation on the basis of geological and economic assessment of oil and gas resources in modern economic conditions are analyzed. An approach to the allocation of objects of resource assessment, taking into account the stages of resource development and heterogeneity of natural and economic conditions of development of forecast resources is proposed. The scheme of economic evaluation of resources is substantiated. The criteria for assessing the economic effect of oil and gas resources development at the level of local objects, oil and gas bearing complexes, regions and districts, oil and gas bearing provinces and the country as a whole are proposed.
The basic provisions and principles of substantiation of the strategy of rational resource consumption and resource conservation in the system of reforming the mineral and raw materials complex of the country are formulated. Modern conceptual approaches to the formation of the system of state regulation and support of rational subsoil use are analyzed. Priority directions of improving the management of the mineral and raw materials complex of the country are considered. Recommendations for changing the taxation system of enterprises of mineral and raw materials complex, stimulating rational subsoil use are substantiated.
The concept of development of oil and gas resources in Russia should determine the optimal strategy of geological exploration in the main oil and gas bearing regions of the country. The concept is based on the analysis of alternative options for the development of inferred and prospective resources and reserves for the country as a whole and for individual oil and gas promising regions and water areas.
Эффективность развития топливно-энергетического комплекса страны во многом определяется выбором оптимальной стратегии освоения ресурсов нефти. Обоснование такой стратегии с точки зрения определения наиболее эффективных темпов, направлений и объектов геолого-разведочных работ и разработки месторождений, а также направлений научно-технического прогресса, инвестиционной и экологической политики составляет предметную область долгосрочного прогнозирования освоения ресурсов нефти ...
Экономическая сделка ресурсов нефти и газа состоит в определении потенциального эффекта в денежном выражении, который может быть получен при перех оде их в запасы и последующей разработке с учетом результатов научно-технического прогресса и фактора времени ...
Среди проблем, связанных с повышен ием эффективности геолого-разве дочной деятельности, особое место занимает проблема совершенствования системы экономического анализа и планирования ...
Характерной чертой процесса освоения минеральных ресурсов является большая длительность производственного цикла, составляющая, как правило, десятки лет ...