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A. A. Molchanov
A. A. Molchanov


Oil and gas
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Implementation of new technology is a reliable method of extracting reserves remaining in hydro-carbon deposits

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The prospects for further increase in oil production determined the introduction of new advanced technologies at all stages of the geological exploration process, drilling of wells, extraction and processing of hydrocarbons. On exploited deposits located at the late and final stages of development, in areas with developed infrastructure, the task of increasing oil recovery is particularly relevant. The increase in the total oil extraction in the fields by only a few percent allows us to obtain additionally millions of tons of oil and gas condensate. The oil reservoir is a multifactorial dynamic dissipative system and possesses all the properties of nonlinear self-organizing systems. To order the physicochemical processes in the formation in the parametric resonance mode, it is sufficient to periodically apply pressure to the formation by wide-band pulses from an independent nonlinear source. Such an independent well source is a plasma-pulse generator with an energy of about one kilojoule and a frequency spectrum from a few hertz to several kilohertz with a period of elastic vibrations 1-2 times per minute. The authors of the proposed technology suggest using an underwater electric explosion of conductors, in which the process of formation of a conducting channel is a successive chain of phase transformations of a metal under the influence of a pulsed current and then a breakdown of the hydromedia along the products of the explosion. A typical process of initiating a discharge is the breakdown of the interelectrode gap in a liquid under the influence of an electrical voltage that appears on the electrodes when a charged capacitor is connected to them through a conductor initiating an explosion. The application of the plasma-pulse effect equipment on the productive reservoir ensures an increase of oil and gas production rate and injectivity of injection wells by a factor of 2-6 and an improvement in the oil-water ratio of the produced fluid.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Ageev P.G. Implementation of new technology is a reliable method of extracting reserves remaining in hydro-carbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 227. p. 530. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.5.530
Geotechnology for development of liquid and gas mining fields
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Substantiating of plasma-pulse technology use to increase oil recovery on high-viscosity oil fields

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The problem to increase of deposit oil recovery with difficult stocks high-viscosity oil and bitumens is considered. Results of experimental research  to decrease the  effective viscosity of oil samples and increase in mobility are considered at influence of superheated steam with addition in the heat-carrier of insignificant  volumes  of  reagent  (kerosene, diesel  fuel) in  0,001-0,02 % of weight. It is recommended to apply thermal and plasma-pulse influence on a layer to increase of oil recovery. Results of practical technology application are given in several  geological conditions.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Dolgii I.E., Kozlov A.V. Substantiating of plasma-pulse technology use to increase oil recovery on high-viscosity oil fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 370.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Measuring the continuity effect of plasma-pulse action on the rheological properties of heavy highly viscous oil

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This article deals with the measuring of part of the hardly exploiting oil from the general oil reserves (Heavy Oil).The work includes the study  of the specificities of the occurrence of such anomalous viscosities, the effect on structurally formed oil, the given applicable methods, the capacity of reducing the emergence of thixotropic properties of viscous oil. The technique of experimental researches and results of studying the influence of the plasma-pulse action based on the rheological properties of a highly viscous oil deposits is analysed.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Maksyutin A.V., Khusainov R.R. Measuring the continuity effect of plasma-pulse action on the rheological properties of heavy highly viscous oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 61.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Results of researches and trial introduction of plasma-pulse action technology on deposits of Russia

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In this article the analysis of the current condition of oil recovery at deposits of Russia and the world is presented.  The technology of  plasma-pulse influence, the operation  principle and  the basic technical characteristics of equipment are described. The technique of experimental research of the complex technology influence on oil filtration properties  of the Usinsk oil deposit is resulted. Results of the filtration research of high-viscous oil in bottom hole formation after plasma-pulse and physical-chemical treatment in various thermobaric conditions are   shown.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Maksyutin A.V., Khusainov R.R. Results of researches and trial introduction of plasma-pulse action technology on deposits of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 64.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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On the prospect of creating wellbore gravimeters based on film accelerometers

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Development of downhole gravimeter on modern highly sensitive elements on the basis of film accelerometers, providing high reliability of operation, for solving various geological problems: study of interwell space outside the well and below the well bottom to identify ore bodies; detection of oil targets and washed zones of oil fields in the late stage of development; control of gas injection and consumption in underground gas storages, etc. is proposed. Proceeding from real listed problems, the necessity and opportunity of creation of a downhole gravimeter-gradientmeter with sensitivity (0.05-0.1) - 10” 5 m/sec 2 has been scientifically proved. Such sensitivity is provided at the expense of high sensitivity of sensors, computer introduction of temperature corrections, consideration of device position in a borehole. There are theoretical calculations of possible gravity anomalies and its gradients over objects of regular geometric shape: a sphere, a vertical cylinder, a horizontal formation of finite thickness. The results of the calculations are compared with field observations during the exploration of copper and sulfide deposits and oil and gas fields. Experimental studies of the main units of the borehole gravimeter equipment were performed and their laboratory and bench tests were carried out, which confirmed the correctness of theoretical calculations.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Ermokhin K.M., Zaburdin S.K. On the prospect of creating wellbore gravimeters based on film accelerometers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 168-172.
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New computer geophysical technologies for prospecting, exploration, and mining of hydrocarbon deposits

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The article provides information about the results of the development of theoretical and experimental foundations of nonlinear geoelectrochemical methods. Geophysical and physical and mathematical models of jet diffusive galation of oil and gas deposits in heterogeneous soil are presented. The results of computer geophysical technology for studying the interwell space using seismic methods with a new borehole source of elastic vibrations using electrohydraulic effect initiated by an explosive wire. The survey is used to detect unswept oil in the late stages of reservoir development or in fields affected by branched and horizontal wells. The use of tomographic measurements in data processing enables detection of zones of residual oil saturation (unstrained oil) in the interwell space and additional recovery of hydrocarbons using branched operated wells driven from working wells.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Putikov O.F. New computer geophysical technologies for prospecting, exploration, and mining of hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 19-23.
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Intensification of the performance of oil and gas wells and increasing the recoverable reserves of hydrocarbons in Russia (state and prospects)

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The analysis of effectiveness and prospectives of use of several methods to intensify operation in oil and gas wells is contained. The ways to increase the extractable reserves of oil and gas fields in Russia are shown.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A. Intensification of the performance of oil and gas wells and increasing the recoverable reserves of hydrocarbons in Russia (state and prospects) // Journal of Mining Institute. 1999. Vol. 144. p. 89-94.
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Принцип новой технологии геолого-разведочных работ на твердые полезные ископаемые (система «Руда")

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Процесс изучения земных недр с целью поиска и разведки полезных иско­паемых в конечном итоге сводится к построению информационной модели изу­чаемой среды на основе постепенного накопления всесторонней информации о строении, свойствах, параметрах объекта ...

How to cite: Molchanov A.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 130. p. 132.