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E. A. Pleshakova
E. A. Pleshakova


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Monopoly and competition in a market economy

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A market economy necessarily implies that there is competition. The concept of competition means rivalry, struggle for achieving the best results in any field. In a market system, this struggle unfolds for the consumer, i.e. for more complete satisfaction of his needs, which ensures the realization of the produced goods. On the one hand, competition creates such conditions that the consumer in the market has many opportunities to purchase goods, and the seller - for the realization of goods. On the other hand, two subjects participate in the exchange, each of which puts its interest above the interest of its partner. As a result, neither the seller, nor the buyer at the conclusion of the transaction do not have the opportunity to set a price favorable only for themselves. Competition creates equal externalities for both producer and consumer.

How to cite: Pleshakova E.A. Monopoly and competition in a market economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 140. p. 97-100.