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E. G. Katysheva
E. G. Katysheva
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University



Rational subsurface use: theory, methodology, practice
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Role of the state in innovative development of oil and gas complex (on the example of Russia and Norway)

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The current status of oil and gas complex (OGC) in Russia is characterized by such problems as: poor quality of resource base, insufficient financing of prospecting works, imperfection of the legislation in prospecting works sphere. The prospects of OGC development in many respects are determined by the innovative activity. OGC has high innovative potential and along with correct state regulation it is capable to become one of leading innovative clusters of the Russian economy. The state policy of Norway on stimulation of innovative activity can be of significant interest for Russia.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Role of the state in innovative development of oil and gas complex (on the example of Russia and Norway) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 27.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Technical and economic aspects of Russia and Norway cooperation in the field of oil and gas complex innovative development

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A necessary condition for the growth of oil stocks in Russia is the application of innovative technologies for oil recovery increase at deposits that are at late stages of development. The experience of Norway, one of the leading oil-extracting countries actively introducing the newest technologies in the field of oil recovery increase and passing petroleum gas utilization, can become quite valuable for the enterprises of Russian OGC. Since 1993 the stocks growth at the Norwegian deposits that are already under development stably exceeds resources at new discovered objects. It is the result of practical work on oil recovery increase. The projects of deposits development in Norway are approved in the dialog process of the state with the companies. The basic purpose is the achievement of the maximal economic benefit and the most complete extraction of oil and gas raw material. Russia is the priority market for Norwegian oil and gas companies. Norwegian and Russian companies have experience of joint work, and ratification of the report on delimitation of sea spaces in Barents sea creates new conditions for cooperation.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Technical and economic aspects of Russia and Norway cooperation in the field of oil and gas complex innovative development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 174.
Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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Economic-organizing mechanisms of technical innovations in oil and gas complex of Russia

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The estimation of the tendency for development of Russian oil and gas complex is given, the prospects of its innovative development are characterized. The basic  technical, organizing  and economic problems of modernization for exploitation and construction of oil fields are con- sidered using Western Siberia as an  example.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Economic-organizing mechanisms of technical innovations in oil and gas complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 169.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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Problems of improvement of innovation management at the enterprises of fuel and energy complex

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Now enterprises of fuel and energy complex (FEC) essentially depend on import technologies and equipment. The Power strategy of Russia is aimed at the period till 2030 on creation steady national innovative system in branches of FEC. The reorientation of the control system of companies and branches of FEC to innovation way of development requires complex economic and legal perfection of innovation management.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Problems of improvement of innovation management at the enterprises of fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 250.

Economic problems of exploration maintenance by high-tech geophysical equipment

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The situation existing in the sphere of the supply of state-of-the-art geophysical equipment, as well as geophysical data processing and interpretation software to the Russian exploration industry is analyzed. Russian consumers face a number of problems associated with the effective application of foreign technologies. At this conditions, it is important to take a number of measures at the state level to restore the required level of own production of up-to-date geophysical equipment in Russia.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Economic problems of exploration maintenance by high-tech geophysical equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 246.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Methodology for formation of research production labour input norms system providing increase of efficiency for research and development projects

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The efficiency of industrial resources use at realization of research and development projects can be provided by development of labour input norms, because labour input parameters form the basis for calculation of the prime cost and price determination of the research development. The method of the norms formation is determined by the theme specificity, degree of complexity and novelty of the developed product, availability of analogue products and reliable statistical base.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Methodology for formation of research production labour input norms system providing increase of efficiency for research and development projects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 39-45.
Russia in the system of world economic relations and foreign experience in MBC a
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Role of European Union investments in the development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia

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The mutual relations of Russia and EU in fuel and energy complex is one of numerous mutual dependencies and main guarantee of power safety of the European continent. The transition from simple trade with power resources to wider and deeper cooperation based on the joint investments has key importance for maintenance and further development of stable deliveries of power resources to the European market and development of long-term power partnership of Russia and EU. Without considerable increase of the investments in the power sector Russia can not ensure stable increase of petroleum and gas deliveries to the world market.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Role of European Union investments in the development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 262-267.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Development of algorithms of the system of operational controlling of production costs for R&D of geological profile

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In the conditions of risks and uncertainty in the management of activities for the creation of scientific and technical products as a management concept is controlling. The criterion of controlling efficiency is cost minimization. If there is insufficient information for the use of analytical-calculative methods of determining the standards of labor intensity, it is advisable to use the experimental-statistical method, which is based on the determination of standards of labor intensity and cost of the product of average complexity with their subsequent adjustment using the established complexity and novelty coefficients.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Development of algorithms of the system of operational controlling of production costs for R&D of geological profile // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 126-129.
Economics and management
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Methodological basis for operational controlling of R&D

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The production function of a research and production enterprise (RPE) is to generate and maximize profits, ensuring the efficiency of investment in R&D. The efficiency of investment is determined by the level of costs for project development. The problem of cost optimization can be solved by controlling. Depending on character of the purposes of the enterprise and planning horizon, strategic and operational controlling is allocated. For NPP the most significant is the system of operational controlling, allowing to manage costs at the level of structural divisions of the enterprise and developed projects. Controlling, aimed at self-regulation and self-organization of production, will ensure functioning of controlling system on the basis of continuous analysis of production and economic activity; optimization of production function in the format of operative information base. The controlling system at the NPP contributes to the optimization of the price level of scientific and technical products on the basis of continuous regulation of labor and production costs.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Methodological basis for operational controlling of R&D // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 230-232.
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Economic market culture in Russia: the difficulties of formation in the modern period

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The process of transition to a market economy in Russia was accompanied by serious economic, political, and social problems. People's personality traits corresponded to the totalitarian system, and therefore it was difficult for them to break the usual social traditions, stereotypes, and attitudes. Passivity was characteristic of the consciousness of the masses. The departure from socialism was possible only when the population adapted to the new market conditions and a new economic culture was developed. Economic culture determines the values and interests of people in their economic activities. Russian society is faced with a deficit of economic culture, expressed in a lack of understanding of the mechanisms of market economy; this explains the "savagery" of the Russian market. The economic culture of society forms a social mechanism that determines the nature of the economy of the country.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Economic market culture in Russia: the difficulties of formation in the modern period // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 259-261.
Economics and finance: a look into the future
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The method of operational management of production costs

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Commercial activity of the enterprise assumes management of costs, since they form the main component of the cost of finished products. Cost management is associated with the ranking of information, both by the place of formation of costs, and by their representativeness. The system of cost accounting used at the enterprise plays an important role. In order to analyze production costs of a geological organization three most dynamic and representative cost items (“Wages and salaries”, “General business expenses” and “Miscellaneous sums shown in other ledgers”) were singled out from cost items for 3 years (from 1999 to 2001). The selection of items was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the cost structure and their dynamics. In order to identify and characterize the quantitative relationship between the costs of each selected item and the level of total costs of the enterprise were built multiple regression equations. A matrix of elasticity coefficients was formed for the obtained equations, high enough values of which confirm the correctness of the choice of cost items. On the basis of the obtained equations of multiple regression graphs of normal distribution were built and trend lines were formed. The nature of the trend lines makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the nature of the cost structure for each year of the period under study.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G., Krevina E.A. The method of operational management of production costs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 124-127.
Economics and management
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Controlling as a management mechanism for a mining and metallurgical enterprise

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Currently, in an unstable economy, there is a need for the emergence of controlling - a modern mechanism of enterprise management, which ties together accounting, information support and control, integrates and coordinates the activities of various services of the enterprise to achieve the ultimate goal (cost optimization and profit maximization). At the organization of controlling at the mining and metallurgical enterprise (SME) it is necessary to consider features of its organizational structure and branch specificity. In this paper, the key objectives of operational controlling, which aims to create a system for managing the activities of structural units of the enterprise, ensuring their smooth operation and focus on achieving current results. The most important object of operational controlling is production costs. The introduction of operational controlling at SMP is associated with the need to identify and regulate those types of costs that have the greatest impact on the level of total costs of the enterprise. In the course of cost analysis of Pikalev Association "Glinozem" the author identified three representative items for the main and auxiliary production shops. By means of receiving regression equations in the form of U = aX + bY + kZ + c the quantitative influence of each of the factors on the general level of costs was established. Thus, there is an opportunity to regulate the costs of the selected items-factors and to influence their level in order to optimize the total costs.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Controlling as a management mechanism for a mining and metallurgical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 131-135.